投稿截止日:2023.05.19(五) 2023.05.31(三) (firm deadline)
論文接受通知日:2023.05.26(五) 2023.06.07(三)
議程公告期:2023.06.07(三) 2023.06.09(五)
Agile software development
Artificial intelligence application on software engineering
Component-based software engineering
Cloud native software engineering
Cyber physical systems
Debugging, fault localization, and repair
Dependability, safety, and reliability
Distributed software engineering
Embedded software
Empirical software engineering
End-user software engineering
Hospital/Healthcare/Health Information System Applications
Interdisciplinary technologies and applications for software engineering
Formal methods
Green and sustainable technologies
Middleware, frameworks, and APIs
Mining software engineering repositories
Model-driven engineering
Programming languages
Requirements engineering
Reverse engineering
Search-based software engineering
Security, privacy and trust
Service-oriented architecture
Software architecture
Software economics and metrics
Software engineering for program education
Software engineering for clouds
Software engineering for IoT
Software engineering for mobile applications
Software engineering tools and environments
Software evolution and maintenance
Software modeling and design
Software process
Software reuse
Software testing
Software visualization
Specification and modeling languages
Ubiquitous/pervasive software systems
Validation and verification
一般論文 Regular Session:投稿論文以中文撰寫,論文長度以 4~8 頁為限,並於會議中以中文進行簡報。此議程將頒發最佳與佳作論文獎。
英文論文 English Session:投稿論文以英文撰寫,論文長度以 4~8 頁為限,並於會議中以英文進行簡報。此議程將頒發最佳與佳作英文論文獎。優秀英文論文將推薦至國際期刊 Special Issue。
展示論文 Demo Session:此議程鼓勵發表軟體工程實務作品,投稿論文以中文或英文撰寫,論文長度以 2~4 頁為限,論文原則上應簡述已發佈使用情形或預期發佈使用規畫。會議中以軟體展示為主、簡報為輔。此議程將頒發最佳與佳作展示論文獎。
海報論文 Poster Session:此議程鼓勵發表進行中之研究,作者可藉此和與會者分享初步研究成果,並獲得精進研究之反饋,論文長度以 2~4 頁為限。會議中以海報展示為主,此議程將頒發最佳與佳作海報論文獎。
論文需依 Latex (Overleaf TCSE template) (英文論文請參考此指引 ) 或 Word範本格式 撰寫 (英文論文請參考 IEEE格式,並請於完稿中去掉IEEE相關名稱或描述),並以 PDF 格式上傳(檔案限 2MB 以下)。每篇被接受的論文至少需一位作者註冊,並於議程日進行口頭簡報或展示 (實際簡報/展示時間,依現場狀況,將由議程主持人進行微調)。